Hey, have you read the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill?
Amazing book - and if you haven't read, I encourage you to read it.
If fact I'm going to let you have it as a FREE gift just for visiting my blog. Download here your Free Copy of Think & Grow Rich.
Because as you flip open the book to chapter 1, "The Power of Thought", you will hear about a man named Edwin C. Barnes, which is someone's story I want to share with you today...
And as you read this email, I want you to keep this question on the fore-front of your mind... "Am I committed to success?"
Also, suspend your initial reaction of "YES" until you've read this entire email - and then answer the question.
You see Edwin, much like yourself - started off with a vision.
His vision was not to become rich... (Though he did)
His vision was not to attract wealth... (Though he attracted it)
His vision was to work with, not for Thomas Edison.
When this desire to work with Thomas Edison arose, Edwin was in no position to make his dreams become a reality.
At the time, Edwin had...
* No money * No connections to Thomas Edison * No idea how he would reach Thomas Edison
But he had a commitment to success...
And he was willing to do whatever it takes.
So what did he do?
He jumped on a freight train and held onto until he arrived in the city where Edison lived...
After he arrived, he jumped off of the train and marched his way into Edison's office.
Remember - Edison had no idea who Edwin was, nor did he know that Edwin would stumble into his office.
But Edwin did...
"Looking like an ordinary tramp" which was Edison's first impression of Edwin when he arrived, Edison decided to let Edwin work for him.
It wasn't because Edwin had a fancy background... (he didin't)
It wasn't because Edwin was great at selling... (he wasn't)
It wasn't because Edwin was dressed nice... (As Edison said, he was dressed like a tramp!)
So what was it?
It was Edwin's unbreakable commitment to his success.
And because Edwin believed that he was going to work for Edison, and he was willing to do whatever it takes...
His purpose, energy and passion was felt by Edison.
Though Edwin did not get what he came for right away (the opportunity to work with Edison and not for him) - he never gave up on his commitment to success.
Time went by and as Edwin continued to faithfully work for Edison, an opportunity arose...
Edison had just released a brand new invention of his that he wanted to sell to the marketplace, however none of his sales people would sell it!
They laughed at the concept and told Edison nobody will buy this, so they refused to sell it.
Edwin caught wind of this and told Edison he would sell it.
... And he did.
Have you began to to see the true power of committing to your success and be willing to do whatever it takes?
Even with all of the odds stacked against him, Edwin stayed committed to his success and transformed his obstacles into the stepping stones of his success.
As a result, Edwin achieved his dream and much more...
Not only did he end up working with Edison...
He even went onto make a large sum of money... (The exact number is unknown - however it's been said that he's earned millions.)
So, how does Edwin's story effect YOU?
It forces you to look yourself in the mirror and ask...
"Am I committed to my success?"
"Am I making excuses or am I getting results?"
"Am I focused on obstacles or solutions?"
"Am I focusing on what I can't do or what I can do?"
I'll even help you out, by showing you something you can do.
You can get the same system I'm using to generate over $100,000+ per month - by clicking here.
Because when you click here I'm going to show you:
How to commit to your success...
How to get results...
How to focus on solutions...
How to focus on the things you can do...
How am I going to do that?
You will find out when you click this link and buy now.
You see, Edwin did not have...
A scientific formula for building a team...
A step-by-step approach for earning more while working less...
A mentor willing to guide him every step of the way...
A software the most prolific leaders use for team duplication...
But you do...
... And it's all yours when you click here and buy now.
So stop reading this email...
Click this link (click it now)
And buy now... (like right now).
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