on to wake em up so I decided who else better to get in touch with...
Is YOU - my loyal, valued subscriber and visitor of this blog
Yes, so since i couldn't go to sleep lol, I thought I'll e-mail like
80,000+ subscribers and share some thoughts that's in my mind...
Why not?! Lol.
Yes, and I do refer to myself as a Marketing Genius :-)
LESSON : Communicate to your blog, email your leads, communicate with trust,
authenticity, integrity, kindness, brutal honesty and people will follow you...
They will throw money at you, don't believe me - try it?!
You want more money in your life? Create more value,
serve more people. People aren't stupid, they want to do business
with real people that actually care about them...
OK, so I wanted to share some thoughts that could
get you thinking, shifting and mind-bending your success,
your goals with the whole internet marketing stuff and see where
you really want to take this...
If you desire to create sure fire wealth, make over $10,000
per month and then scale that to $50k, $100k and even
$300,000 PER MONTH...
Then listen up and read this post like your life depended on
There's undetectable forces that are at play that are against
your success, that are holding you back, that are self-sabotaging
In a wise old proverb, it states that you should not be following
people blindly, when I look at the online marketing space this
is what I see, good hearted, hard working people who have
had enough....
They had enough of people like their "Bosses" take advantage
of them...
They had enough of the naysayers and the dream crushers that
really de-motivate them with their negativity of you can't do this...
They had enough of not making enough cashflow to gain the
respect, influence, power, and control they truly desire and deserve in their life - amongst themselves, their family and their peers....
They had enough of not getting paid what they truly deserve,
and I get this, I truly get this...
So I get disheartened when I see people are following the wrong advice, doing the wrong thing, applying the wrong principles and staying stuck, like they go from a 9-5 to a 9-9 or more like a consistent 24 hour struggle of trying to get traffic...
Struggling to convert that traffic into sales...
Turning those sales into repeat customers. (Btw this is where you make your little fortune in this Gold-Rush)
Struggling to then becoming the authority and gaining credibility, power, influence and positioning....
This really stems from marketers who have no integrity and aren't really in the game for the long term, you can ask around anyone on the Internet...
I've been at this for now over 5 short years, and I plan to stay for a while longer :-)
I've been able to go from Zero, actually screw that - I was at
I'm talking MINUS 40 FRIGGIN GRAND in debt, debt to my eyeballs - humiliated, disappointment to the family, friends laughing at me for wanting to get rich on the Internet, that was me man...
I went from that to now generating in a single day what most people make in month...
Think about that, how would your life change even if you
could do 10% of this...
How would your families life change if you could earn and
support them with 10% of that...
$100,000 in the next 100 days?
That could be life changing for most people - YOU?
No shit.
Of course.
See, when I look back it all comes down to this, finding
people who have results, finding people who know what
they are doing, finding people who are consistent, predictable, there for you...
I practically e-mail my list - YOU pretty much every single
day, this is the only month I think in many years where i've
gone 8 days without e-mailing you...
I felt disgustingly sick to my stomach...
No, not because each blog post or e-mail is worth $10,000 - $15,000 to me, not because of that....
....but because each day I could have sent you a message of hope, to inspire you to take empowered action, to get you to enroll in one of the programs i market and sell...
That changes peoples lives...
end results and getting clarity on WHY you want to get
I want to be able to sow an amount of at least $1,000 per day into God's ministry to reach out to hopeless people world wide.
For that to happen the universe must provide $10,000 per
day in profits.
So by just focusing on the why/$1,000 the rest
will divinely manifest.
If you focus on the why the how will come.
That's ONE of my goals - now I'm very clear on what it
is, and WHY i want i.
What's yours?
See your business is driven by YOU.
It’s not so much about positive thought and attitude, that kinda stuff - That’s all nice. Positive and dead broke. Know people like that?
Truthfully, it’s behavior.
Behavioral congruency.
Ask any successful leader how they think – and you find big philosophical differences and simply differences in thinking. Big thought differences.
People ask me this all the time, yes - it's thinking...
But there’s a few key behavioral commonalities.
They DO certain things the same. Not so much what they think…
it’s about what they DO. Not so much about just attitudes…
it’s about BEHAVIOR.
Study, analyze the behavior of people who are getting
what you want.
People envy other peoples businesses, they even envy my businesses, they'll tell me - I can read their face well lol.
Then go back to doing nothing resembling the behavior these people have.
Nothing changes.
Then, go ahead and identify the behaviors of the people that
are getting the results you desire.
Behavioral commonalities of enough of them that you
can call it a principle or strategy.
Copy, mimic the behavior (you don’t even have to believe it),
but if you do mimic it almost magically the results happen.
If you have behavioral congruency you get results congruency.
notice that each time I e-mail you I want to leave you
better off than you reading anyone else's email...
Hence why i just spent 30+ minutes thinking and crafting this
When you are doing your marketing focus on leaving others
better off than you found em...
Now's the time to stop feeling shame and guilt as to why you
haven't created the results you want....
Over the last 5 years I've helped countless number of people
start, grow and scale their own Internet Business, I know you
got some amazing value from this e-mail...
I want to invite you to take the next step - this will allow
you to claim your FREE Income Kickstarter Strategy Session
with one of my leading 6 Figure Earner coaches...
Value : $397.
Truthfully, value is PRICELESS.
How do you even measure something that can change your
life in an instant? I'd love to get on the phone personally
with you and give you a plan of action, I can't.
ClaimYour FREE Income Kickstarter Strategy Session >>>
I hope you got some amazing value from this e-mail.
It's been 45 mins of some good thinking, i'm going drink
my green drink from Athletic Greens and then go sleep.
better off than you reading anyone else's email...
Hence why i just spent 30+ minutes thinking and crafting this
When you are doing your marketing focus on leaving others
better off than you found em...
Now's the time to stop feeling shame and guilt as to why you
haven't created the results you want....
Over the last 5 years I've helped countless number of people
start, grow and scale their own Internet Business, I know you
got some amazing value from this e-mail...
I want to invite you to take the next step - this will allow
you to claim your FREE Income Kickstarter Strategy Session
with one of my leading 6 Figure Earner coaches...
Value : $397.
Truthfully, value is PRICELESS.
How do you even measure something that can change your
life in an instant? I'd love to get on the phone personally
with you and give you a plan of action, I can't.
ClaimYour FREE Income Kickstarter Strategy Session >>>
I hope you got some amazing value from this e-mail.
It's been 45 mins of some good thinking, i'm going drink
my green drink from Athletic Greens and then go sleep.
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I'm excited for you, stay tuned and get excited :-)
I'm excited for you, stay tuned and get excited :-)
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